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December 25, 2013 @ (Ohio)

Tags: Broke up w me at school

Me and my bf went out for 4.5 months..and he broke up w me five days ago. He was my best friend my world. I NEED him...:( we would text FaceTime,e or see each other just about every day, we were a really close couple. I cry every night so much and I just don't know what to do. He seems like he's getting over me quickly but he says he'll always care for me. He says that he broke up w me bc the main reason was was that I told him he should stop this habit...I'm not going to say what it was but let's just say little kids do this...and it involves gold....anyways he said also that I didn't like things he like (ex. He likes video games and I like makeup and this is the example he gave me actually) he also said I was rude and sarcastic sometimes, and he told our mutual friend when she asked about our breakup that I gave him BS all the time....and gave him anxiety attacks... But he always got anxiety attacks and panic attacks over the littlest things and would over react on things. And the week before we broke up he was saying how his friend ally wanted to hang out w them at a skate rink and it wasn't going to be there...and he told me two months ago how he was attracted to a friend if mine... He also said we'd always argue. But not all the time, at least not to me. I remember some really good times...I just miss it so much. It hurts so bad. Idk hoe to deal with it...please someone please help me I'm 15 btw and I have to see him at school